
Public Service Announcement: Beware of Identity Theft Involving images or information of Engineer Mark Alexander

We regret to notify the public that Mark Alexander, a respected engineer, has become a victim of identity theft in a disturbing turn of events. His personal information are being used by imposters for illicit reasons.

We ask the public to exercise caution and report any suspect profiles on social media platforms that appear to be associated with Mark Alexander images in order to protect themselves from possible damage and to support us in our efforts to stop identity theft. Kindly click the link below to report any case.

NOTE: Mark Alexander is not using any social networking sites at this time. It is important to report any bogus profiles that use his name or image right once.

Your assistance in disclosing this information will be very helpful in reducing the risks that might arise from identity theft. We value your help in maintaining the security of our neighborhood.

We appreciate your attention to detail and help.

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  1. Sharing this information with friends and family. Let’s work together to keep our online spaces safe from identity thieves.

  2. It’s unfortunate that people resort to such despicable acts. I’ll do my part and report any fraudulent profiles I encounter.

  3. This is a serious issue. Identity theft can ruin lives. I hope the authorities catch those responsible soon.

  4. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It’s crucial to stay vigilant against identity theft in today’s digital age.

  5. I’ll make sure to spread the word in my community about this identity theft. We need to look out for each other.

  6. It’s alarming how easily someone’s identity can be stolen online. I’ll keep an eye out and report any suspicious profiles I come across.

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